Infrared Heater VS Convection Heater
Infrared Heaters:
Infrared heaters are heating devices that use a heating emitter to produce heat. These heaters are energy efficient and produce targeted heat. They are usually safe to use and have fewer disadvantages. It is cost-effective because of its energy-efficient feature, so people with low budgets can also afford it. They instantly warm the place you want.
Convection Heaters:
Convection heaters use air to warm the place. These are electric and can be mounted on the wall also, they consume less space. They slowly warm up the place and take a lot of energy if they use electricity. They can heat a room of any size; if the space is small, they take less time, but if the place is quite large, they will take a lot of time. As a result, your bill will increase rapidly.
Now as we know about both heaters as they used for the same heating purpose. But they both have some advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss them in detail and give you thorough information about them so you can choose the perfect one for yourself. On the basis of some factors, we will compare them; these factors are:
- Heating method
- Energy efficiency
- Warm-up Time
- Air Quality
- Durability and maintenance
- Environmental effects
Heating method of Infrared heaters:
Infrared heaters use an emitter to produce heat when they come in contact with electricity. It spreads electromagnetic radiation to transfer heat directly to people and objects. It generates targeted heat rather than warming up the surrounding air. Infrared heating does not need any medium to transfer heat or warmth, which makes it an efficient and direct method of heating. There are various types of infrared heaters available in markets like quartz, halogen and carbon fiber models. Each heater has its own specifications, but they all have the same fundamental principle of radiating heat rather than relying on air circulation. They give instant heat to warm the objects directly, which makes them perfect for situations where direct heat is needed. They provide consistent heat even in poor insulated heat as heat is not moving with air.
Heating Method of Convection Heaters:
Convection heaters work by warming up the air in their surroundings. They use different kinds of heating elements like electric coils or water-fill radiators to heat the air. This warm air then spreads all over the space and warms up your space, spreading the warm air. Like a convection current, the warm air comes out as a result of entering the cool air. This cool air continues to flow around the heater to enter into the heater to produce warm heat. It is similar to a convection heater because a convection heater also warms the air rather than objects. It takes a lot of time to heat the space, but it evenly warms up the room. It is perfect for rooms where maintenance is effective. It is a good choice for bedrooms, offices and living areas.
In energy efficiency infrared heaters are at the top in comparison to convection haters. Because infrared heaters only warm the necessary areas or things rather than warming up the whole space. Targeted heating takes less energy than heating the whole space, especially when it's not necessary. Also, targeted heating does not rely on air movement, so there is no loss of heat or electricity. This heating is perfect for places where windows are frequently open as these heaters do not need to maintain their warmth that’s why they take less energy.
On the other hand, convection heaters work in enclosed spaces and need more energy to maintain warmth. They give comfortable temperatures to live in. They don’t work well in poor insulated area because they warm the air. Any draft, open window or open door can cause loss of heat as well as the loss of electricity. This fault makes them less efficient because the heater works harder to restore temperature.
For people who are looking to have a budget-friendly heater, an infrared heater is best for them because of its cost-effectiveness. These heaters are ideal for spaces where often or regular heating is not needed.
Warm-Up Time:
Both the heaters have different heating times to warm up the space. At this factor again, the infrared is at the top because it only provides targeted heating no extra electricity or heat is needed. The heat of the infrared heater does not travel or move through the air. At the same time, the heat disappears when the heater is turned off as it does not warm up the air. These heaters are perfect for open places, garages and places where quick heat is needed.
On the other hand, convection heaters do not provide targeted heating. It tends to warm the whole space slowly through the movement of air. As heat travels through the air, it is not well-suited for open or drafty places. However, they provide long-lasting warmth even after being switched off because they warm up the air. This quality makes them perfect for bedrooms and living rooms where sustained heating is required.
Air Quality:
Infrared heaters are at the top in being friendly towards the air quality as their heating does not rely on air circulation. They do not spread dust, allergens or other airborne particles. It also does not dry out the air, which makes it a perfect choice for people who have respiratory issues, allergies or dry skin. Convection heaters produce heat with airflow and have a lot of dust particles. It also leads to dry air because it can reduce the humidity levels. This fault can also cause discomfort for people who have dry skin, allergies and respiratory problems. In this factor, again the infrared heater is a winner.
Durability and Maintenance:
In infrared heaters, there are no such parts or elements to clean or maintain, so they don’t need regular maintenance. Infect the good quality infrared heaters can last up to years without any maintenance because they don’t have fan or filters that needs proper cleaning. These heaters only have heating elements that do not need cleaning. Convection heaters have fans that need regular cleaning because dust builds up on them. Fans and filters need proper cleaning on a regular basis to ensure their efficiency. Also, the heating element in it needs frequent replacement because it wears out over time.
Environmental Effects:
Infrared heaters are more environmentally friendly because they consume less energy and only heat the targeted areas without any loss of heat. Also, they use energy more efficiently. As they do not rely on air movement, they help to save energy by only heating the required space or thing. Convection heaters usually consume more energy because they lose a lot of heat in poorly insulated areas. It is a less sustainable option because it is less energy efficient.
Which Heater is Best?
In the end, the choice is yours. The selection of heaters depends on your needs, space and heating capacity. If you need fast or immediate heating with energy efficiency, infrared heaters are best for you. These heaters are perfect for outdoor areas, workshops and places where heat loss is common. This heater is also good for people with respiratory issues, allergies or dry skin because it does not circulate heat through the air.
But if you want consistent heating for your bedrooms, offices or living areas, a convection heater is perfect. Also, if your budget is good and you can afford its maintenance and its parts replacement then you can choose it. These heaters give long-lasting warmth that makes them perfect for places where people live for a long period. The choice is yours choose the best heater for yourself based on all the factors.